The EIMA is a collective of local trade bodies gathering the leading influencer marketing agencies, agents, technologies and creators in Europe.

The mission of the is the EIMA is to foster a sustainable, ethical, and profitable future for the European influencer marketing industry.

About the European Influencer Marketing Alliance

Why an Alliance among industry players in Europe?

The Influencer Marketing industry has experienced exponential growth and transformation over the past decade, evolving from a niche marketing tactic to a central strategy for brands aiming to reach audiences in a more authentic and engaging way. Initially, Influencer Marketing was primarily the domain of celebrities and a few digital creators with large followings. However, the landscape has diversified significantly, with the rise of micro and nano influencers who, despite smaller followings, often boast higher engagement rates and can offer brands targeted access to specific communities.

This rapid growth has been propelled by several factors, including the widespread adoption of social media platforms, changing consumer behaviors that favor peer recommendations over traditional advertising, and the increasing sophistication of digital marketing tools that allow for more precise targeting and analytics. As a result, Influencer Marketing has become an essential part of the digital marketing mix, with businesses of all sizes leveraging content creators to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive sales.

However, this rapid expansion has also brought challenges. Issues such as transparency, authenticity, and ethical concerns have come to the forefront. The industry faces scrutiny over practices like undisclosed sponsored content, manipulation of engagement metrics, and the impact of influencer culture on consumer well-being and societal values.

In response, industry players in Europe (creators, agents, agencies, technologies, etc.) have started to gather within local professional organizations, to align and elevate industry standards, ensuring fair practices, consumers protection, and trust in the Influencer Marketing ecosystem. In addition, regulators have started to implement dedicated guidelines and legislation on local and regional level.

The European Influencer Marketing Alliance was created to gather all local professional organizations in Europe, in order to foster a sustainable, ethical, and profitable future for the European influencer marketing industry.

The EIMA mission

In 2024, the Influencer Marketing Trade Body (IMTB), Union des Métiers de l'Influence et des Créateurs de Contenus (UMICC) and Bundesverband Influencer Marketing e.V. (BVIM) have formed an alliance called: The European Influencer Marketing Alliance (EIMA).

This Alliance is meant to welcome any other professional organizations within the Influencer Marketing industry in Europe.

The EIMA exists to foster a sustainable, ethical, and profitable future for the European influencer marketing industry. We aim at elevating industry standards and promote responsible influence to protect both the creator economy and consumers in Europe.

The EIMA provides a practical way to share local expertise with partner members for the betterment of the influencer marketing industry, as well as a unified voice for creator economy matters to regulators, legislators, media, academics and other key stakeholders.

Working together for the future of our industry

We aim at elevating industry standards and promote responsible influence to protect both the creator economy and consumers in Europe.


Focusing on environmental and social impact, on transparency, and on eco-friendly practices. Fostering diverse, inclusive, and mutually beneficial brand-creator relationships.


Prioritizing authenticity, transparency, and respect for audience trust, ensuring fair practices, and disclosure of partnerships to maintain integrity and consumer confidence.


Ensuring economic growth and longevity, as well as high ROI for all stakeholders.


Meet our Members

Jeanette Okwu Jeanette Okwu

Founder & CEO
BEYONDinfluence Germany

Scott Guthrie Scott Guthrie

IMTB Director General
United Kingdom

Quentin Bordage Quentin Bordage

Founder & CEO at Kolsquare Executive Committee Member UMICC
